I was introduced to the world of showing dogs, at a very young age — handling my parents' whippets to begin with.

Over time, I found myself gravitating more to the working disciplines and I began competing in obedience with my first, rescue Border Collie, Kim.
It was during that time that I saw a Belgian Shepherd for the first time. A friend of the family had aquired a Malinois dog, that simply took my breath away, becoming both a working and breed champion, with such grace and prescence.
More years passed, and when I was encouraged to return to the show ring, I set about looking for a Belgian Shepherd puppy. Preferring the longer coat, I brought home my first grey Tervueren girl, Maraxys Ember (Ember), who was a real live-wire. I was hooked!

Since then our Belgian family has grown, and I continue to train and compete with my wonderful dogs, with our focus being on agility.
Present times find me working as a software developer by day, and a budding artist by night. When I am not working, training, competing, etc, I like to unwind by immersing myself in drawing. I have not had formal training, finding inspiration in the works of the many exceptional professional artists. I am fascinated with hyperrealism and my goal is to be able to reach such levels one day.